Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Divide

My Faith is Righteous
and yours is Void
My Book is Holy,
and yours is flawed
I say my Prayers
and you do too
but yours are worthless
and mine are True
the Light is mine
and yours is Gloom
I will taste the wines
Oh, you will doom
I do not hate you
but, Can I love you ?
Can I mingle with you ?
The way, the brothers do ?
Oh maybe no
I am not allowed to..
My brothers are those
who follow my faith
and no, not you,
I do not discriminate
among people of my faith,
yet,I do so strictly...
between us and you,
and I am baffled,
by the way you dress,
the food you eat,
the things you do,
the words you recite,
all of it.. is nothing..
nothing but fallacy..
even if you do..
all the good deeds..
even if you pray..
ten times a day..
even if you keep
every one happy..
still, oh my man
you have little chance..
because there is one thing
which you do lack..
you will find out
when you rise back.
until then
we will live like this..
you and me..
till the end of time..
on either side
of this grand divide

(Raja 10-FEB-10)


Hammad said...

With this poem, you have raised your poetic level to new grounds ...

Excellent Stuff !

Haris Siddiqui said...

u have touched a very imp topic
and in a sensitive, touching way
...very well put !

Anonymous said...

Excellent work Raja !

A very sensitive yet relevant and perhaps the most important topic of our times, the Religious Divide, has been put in very simplified and poetic manner by you.

I loved the Sharp Sarcastic Tone.

Great Stuff.

Would like to Quote Jaun Eliya here :

Masnad o Mimbar na thay jab tab khuda kuch aur thaa
Masnad o Mimbar salamat ab khuda kuch aur hay ...

- SR

Raja Ghulam Rasool said...


Thanks a lot for your encouragement, in fact the credit of this poem should go to you also, since you three - along with Salman, and Muneeb inspire me to write :)

Unknown said...

I have following to add:

Unknown said...

Excellent RGR !!!!

AayDeez said...

Raja it looks good. So you are going to change your field soon. Will see you in the next Mushaira at National Stadium :).

My Thoughts:
I cannot say confidently that everything from Islamic point of view is correct or not b/c it may hurt someone. I think we should have "fikar" in our mind that somehow we are able to convert them OR with the “Tufeeq” of Allah they convert to Islam, we should pray for them as all of them like us are Umati of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H)
Also we should have fikar for our self, we have to think about our life, our daily routine. We have to obey each and every order of Allah and Sunnah and have to prove from our actions that we are on right path. The path which everyone should follow.

May Allah give us strength to understand what is right and what wrong and May He give us strength to obey His Ahkam and to obey Sunnat-e-Nabawi.

Pardon me if anything hurts anyone in any way.
Adeel Rehman

Raja Ghulam Rasool said...
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Raja Ghulam Rasool said...


Love and respect your opinion mate. :) thanks for sharing your thoughts


How true!!! Within one faith, there are so many sects, and each sect thinks that others are completely wrong,

Unknown said...

Very Good. This time your shikwa(Complaints) have thoughts and represent the mentality of misinterpreted Muslims. However, shikwa is easy, we wish that our youth now start thinking about solution. In past lot is written to remorse the conscience of so-called Muslims now it is time to wake up. Let's set a milestone to show change in ourselves through our words, writing, and deeds, or whatever capacity we can. Keep good work going.

Farhan said...

I would say a very well written poem depicting a very sensitive topic. May Allah give us ability to identify the right path (sirat e mustakeem)..!

Naveed said...

the quality lies in the simplicity by which you penned your thoughts Raja. Excellent effort. count me as one of your fans after this. :)

Raja Ghulam Rasool said...


Thanks for your thoughts, you are right, we need to look at the solutions also, and Inshallah I will..




I am honored!!! Thank you very much for your kind words bro :) your words of encouragement will motivate me to write more.

Faeza Rizvi said...

Excellent yaar!!
No doubt a very very sensitive topic... But... :) - but why do i have a feeling that you also have this feeling of religious division?? :D
(May be I am wrong.. its just what I feel sometimes :)

Raja Ghulam Rasool said...

Your feeling, that I have a feeling of religious divides, is wrong :) If I had, I would not have written these lines

Unknown said...

Amazing job.
Very simple yet thought provoking.

On inspiration:
I think it is a circular inspiration. I took inspiration from you and now you are taking from me...
Circular inspiration i guess :)